Greg Brown, MFT - Psychotherapist

Life Coaching – Expressive Arts TherapyMental Health Counseling

Other Psychotherapy Resources & Websites

Here is a list of other websites we invite you to visit. Listing here does not imply any endorsement or guarantee of any product or services offered by other companies by Greg Brown MFT, its owners or agents. The information is provided purely as a convenience to our users and in cooperation with various website owners, often for similar promotional listings on their sites.

See Dr. Michael D. Thompson, a Minnesota Psychologist specializing in psychological evaluations for courts. He helps attorneys and probation officers preparing for trial.

Take a stress-relieving vacation in nearby Pacifica, CA, just a short drive down the penninsula from San Francisco. Lovely beaches, a great fishing pier, surprisingly fine restaurants, and excellent hotels.

The weather in Northern California can bring headaches and stress to homeowners. See Best Exteriors for help with upgrading your windows and doors against storm and water damage.

Toys can be very theraputic, so make an appointment with yourself to check out the classic Toys from Toy Story based on the popular Disney movies that appeal to both kids and adults.

In winter or in dry climates, your skin can become raw and sensitive. For mild rashes and abrasions, you can buy lidocaine powder. When mixed with water, you can treat larger areas than is practical with skin creams or ointments.

There's nothing like a hobby for reducing stress. For those with a scientific bent, try rock collecting. It's fun, free, and easy to collect rocks. You can make exploring for rock specimens a part of an exercise program as you walk or jog.